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Model ART

Promoting Positive Social Interaction in YAMM: Strategies for Achieving Moral Maturity Through Antisocial Behavior Management

YAMM is dedicated to helping the youth of ages 12-17 develop the skills necessary to achieve moral maturity. Our Model ART program is a comprehensive, gender-based curriculum that encourages self-control exercises and teaches children how to manage anger-related issues, such as anger management, behavior problems, and conflict solving resolutions. Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment that will enable children to develop and maintain healthy relationships. We believe that with the right guidance and support, our youth can achieve their full potential.

Overall targeting aggressive behavior in youth ages 12-17. Model ART (Aggression Training Placement) managing anger/ anger management objectives include:

To help youth avoid antisocial behavior, provide examples of self control, and teach youth a broad curriculum of prosocial behavior

Anger Control- Managing Anger/Anger Management
To teach youth how to have self control of anger with managing anger

Moral Reasoning​
To raise youth's level of fairness, justice, and concern with the needs and rights of others

Youth will experience

  • A decrease in problem behaviors Improved prosocial behavior

  • Improved Managing Anger Control

  • Increase in In-Community Functioning

  • Reduction in criminal behavior and reoffending

lady talking to college students outside
young boy smiling and waving
teens and mentor posing for a picture
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